AliDeck Aluminium Decking Delivery Options
AliDeck have established excellent relationships with reliable transport and haulage companies serving all parts of the UK. From these relationships, we have secured fantastic rates for delivery of our AliDeck products to customers wherever they are.
We are able to offer three options for delivery, according to our customer’s requirements;
Tier 1: Flatbed and self-unload
Tier 2: Moffett
Tier 3: HIAB
This is our standard delivery option. Material is delivered on a flatbed lorry and must be unloaded by the customer using their own forklift or by handballing.

This is our mid-tier delivery option. Material is delivered on a flatbed lorry with an attached Moffet truck-mounted forklift. Unloading to kerbside is performed by the delivery driver.

This is our premium delivery option. Material is delivered on a flatbed lorry with an attached HIAB crane unit. Unloading to kerbside is performed by the delivery driver.

For all delivery options, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that adequate access for unloading is available on the date arranged for delivery. When a delivery fails due to inadequate access, redeliveries are charged at full rates.
Collection from our Rochester, Kent, location is possible, but with the following conditions; Collections must be completed by 2pm and will be refused if arriving later; the collection must be performed in a vehicle of the appropriate size for the material and collection will be refused if a small vehicle arrives to collect long lengths of decking boards, joists, etc.; there is no provision for ad-hoc customer cutting on-site and we will not allow customers to use their own tools to cut material in our yard.